Thursday, October 3, 2013

The thing about cosmetics : Skin79 Snail Nutrition BB Cream

I happened to stumble onto some samples (3 for USD $0.99) from sing-sing-girl that time when I bought my BRTC Jasmine.

skin79 snail nutrition bb cream

This BB Cream contains snail slime, literally. Processed, not as a raw ingredient. Snail slime is said to have healing properties.

" Primarily marketed as an acne solution, the shelled slug's mucus is also believed to reduce pigmentation and scarring, as well as beat wrinkles." 

NZ Herald 

Snail poo/slime aside. Let's talk about the BB Cream.

bb cream swatch

Swatches (Taken with natural light)
bLENDED OUTBlended out (under natural light)

bb cream on my face

There's only one shade particularly for the Snail BB. It has really pink undertone, and looks like natural beige shade but turns lighter after oxidation.

My take on the BB Cream :


  • My acne were inflammed when I removed the BB Cream

  • Blendable, Medium coverage - cake-able

  • Strong scent to it - not sure if it's the snail poo or the floral fragrance

I tried this the second time because it didn't work out the way for my first try. I can hereby, conclude that it doesn't work for me. Definitely one of those hit-and-miss BB creams.
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