Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Thing About Cosmetics // FreshLook's Illuminate Rich Brown - Daily (from

I did a haul a while back and ordered these. 

These are only available in Asia. They don't seem to stock it in NZ.

The site wrote that it is produced by a company named Ciba Vision. Alcon was written on the box instead. Apparently these two company merged together. Yes, your girl googled it. Thank me later.

BC : 8.6
DIA : 13.8
Water content : 68%
It has 10 lenses within the small box (5 wears).
These are daily disposable lenses.

FreshLook's Illuminate Rich Brown's design is a pixelated, starburst pattern.

This is how it looks when worn on brown eyes. They are very natural-looking. It does not give an enlarging effect due to the absence of the limbal ring. I have no issues with putting them in and removing them. The softness of the lenses makes it easy to pop in their eyes.

Here is a closer look. This picture was taken 4 hours after spending time outside in the cold and inside a heated-insulated restaurant. My eyes did get irritable, and tad bit bloodshot (even my mascara was a mess). It doesn't bother me- my eyes get irritated if I have my clear contacts on for 4 hours too.

Rating : 

Conclusion : I will definitely repurchase them! Can't really fault them much. It does make your eyes slightly pop but it is subtle. Definitely naturally purrty. These lenses are highly recommended if you're new to the coloured lenses scene! However, if you are looking for something more dramatic, I reckon you should steer far away from them!


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