Monday, August 5, 2013

The thing about Christian Life : Awkward moments

Awkward moments. Love them or hate them. They're here to stay.

I'm gonna keep it real.  Just wanna put it out there, Christians are human beings. Or maybe, it's just me.

Awkward Incident 1#:

Saying grace over junkfood. I just cringe everytime. :| My awkwardness actually motivates me to stay away from them.

Awkward Incident 2#:

When you go ahead and greet someone, and run out of things to say. And leave the conversation hanging. My mind just went blank.

Awkward Incident 3#:

You know it's awkward when your pastor asks you to hold the hand of the person beside you to pray together. I just really like my personal space. It's not a big problem. Not really. But still, awkward.

I had to actually collect my thoughts 'cause I couldn't sleep much. In the end, I started to wonder whether Jesus had any awkward moments. Clearly, he didn't. What he did, was making people awkward.

Awkward moments I can point out:

Foreseeing Judas's betrayal and tell him in person. I actually feel bad for Judas. It's like telling a thief that he's gonna steal from a particular shop, and turns out you're gonna be right (John 13:21-30).

Even tough He told the world He was the Son of God, He was still hung on the cross (John 19:12-18).

When He rose on the 3rd day (John 20), I could totally picture God be like "Hey, so about being the Son Of God....I'mma gonna send my Holy Spirit down to you all to reach the people at the ends of the earth. And I'll be back."

I'm not entirely sure how the religious prophets responded. If I was in their shoes, I would have done the crawl-into-the-hole-and-drown-my-sorrows thing. whatwasithinkingwhenikilledthesonofgod

Then again, He still decides to go around forgiving people and seems to got this thing about awkwardness down. His grace, til this day, still blows me away.


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